Gold Medal Software 3
Gold Medal Software - Volume 3 (Gold Medal) (1994).iso
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Assembly Source File
257 lines
; Copyright 1993 DATAWARE
; P.O. Box 64211, Lubbock, TX 79464-4211
; This program displays a graphic image (star) on the screen.
; The image was produced within STAMP PAD by using the diskette function
; (located on the cut and paste menu). The diskette function saves a
; marked area to a text file in the STAMPPAD directory called ASCII.TXT.
; The file is in the proper format to include it in an assembly language
; program. Each pixel is represented with its equivalent hexadecimal number
; preceded by "db". The procedures included in this sample program will
; display images saved with the diskette function in STAMP PAD.
; If you want to display other images using this program, save a file
; using the diskette function in STAMP PAD. Then insert the text from the
; file, ASCII.TXT in the data segment after the label, "stamp_pad".
; The "equ" values also need to be adjusted to specify the size of the image
; and the starting position.
; This program was written using MASM 6.0. The compiled version, SAMPLE.EXE
; is also included in the STAMPPAD directory.
; *****************************************
; *****************************************
TITLE sample.asm
; MACROS are located here
; Macro used when displaying text on the screen.
; To use this macro, type "print" and then the label of the text to be
; displayed (located in the data segment). For an example,
; see the label, "message" in the data segment.
print MACRO text ; macro to print a line of text at cursor location
mov ah,2 ; DOS function to set cursor position
mov bh,0 ; page zero when in graphics mode
mov dh,24 ; row (Y coordinate)
mov dl,10 ; column (X coordinate)
int 10h ; call BIOS
lea dx,text ; gets address of text
mov ah,9 ; and uses DOS function 9 to print it
int 21h
call wait_key ;procedure to wait for a key stroke
; Macro to test for a VGA board
is_vga MACRO
mov ax,1a00H ; function to determine if VGA ah=1aH al=00
int 10h ; call bios
cmp al,1aH ; only VGA cards return 1ah in al
je @F ; if VGA continue
print not_vga ; if not VGA quit
jmp exit
; EQU statements are located here except for the EQU statements
; associated with the graphic image.
VIDEO_SEG EQU 0A000H ; VGA video segment
GMODE EQU 13H ; VGA 320x200, 256 color mode
DEFAULT_VIDEO EQU 3 ; default video mode 80x25 text
BACK_GROUND EQU 0000H ; color used to clear screen (COLOR-4)
; -----------------------------------------------
; -----------------------------------------------
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
; The EQU statements (stamp_pad_x, etc.) determine the location and size of
; the graphic image saved as ASCII.TXT. "stamp_pad_x" and "stamp_pad_y"
; define the upper left hand corner of the graphic image (in pixels) and
; "stamp_pad_x_1" and "stamp_pad_y_1" define the length and height in the
; x-direction in the y-direction respectively.
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
; location and size of the graphic image
stamp_pad_x equ 151 ; starting column in pixels
stamp_pad_y equ 93 ; starting row in pixels
stamp_pad_x_l equ 14 ; length in pixels
stamp_pad_y_l equ 14 ; height in pixels
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
; This is the file, ASCII.TXT with a label called "stamp_pad". If you want to
; display other images using this program, save a file using the
; diskette function in STAMP PAD. Then delete the text following
; the label, "stamp_pad" and replace it with the text from ASCII.TXT.
; The "equ" values (above) also need to be adjusted to specify the size of
; the image and the starting position.
stamp_pad db 00h,00h,00h,00h,00h,00h,2Ch,2Ch,00h,00h,00h,00h,00h,00h,00h,00h,00h,00h,00h,00h
db 2Ch,2Ch,00h,00h,00h,00h,00h,00h,00h,00h,00h,00h,00h,2Ch,2Ch,2Ch,2Ch,00h,00h,00h
db 00h,00h,00h,00h,00h,00h,00h,2Ch,2Ch,2Ch,2Ch,00h,00h,00h,00h,00h,2Ch,2Ch,2Ch,2Ch
db 2Ch,2Ch,2Ch,2Ch,2Ch,2Ch,2Ch,2Ch,2Ch,2Ch,00h,2Ch,2Ch,2Ch,2Ch,2Ch,2Ch,2Ch,2Ch,2Ch
db 2Ch,2Ch,2Ch,00h,00h,00h,2Ch,2Ch,2Ch,2Ch,2Ch,2Ch,2Ch,2Ch,2Ch,2Ch,00h,00h,00h,00h
db 00h,2Ch,2Ch,2Ch,2Ch,2Ch,2Ch,2Ch,2Ch,00h,00h,00h,00h,00h,00h,2Ch,2Ch,2Ch,2Ch,2Ch
db 2Ch,2Ch,2Ch,00h,00h,00h,00h,00h,2Ch,2Ch,2Ch,2Ch,2Ch,2Ch,2Ch,2Ch,2Ch,2Ch,00h,00h
db 00h,00h,2Ch,2Ch,2Ch,2Ch,2Ch,2Ch,2Ch,2Ch,2Ch,2Ch,00h,00h,00h,2Ch,2Ch,2Ch,2Ch,2Ch
db 00h,00h,2Ch,2Ch,2Ch,2Ch,2Ch,00h,00h,2Ch,2Ch,2Ch,00h,00h,00h,00h,00h,00h,2Ch,2Ch
db 2Ch,00h,2Ch,2Ch,00h,00h,00h,00h,00h,00h,00h,00h,00h,00h,2Ch,2Ch
; Additional data used by the display procedures
not_vga db "Requires a VGA card. Press any key.$" ; error message
message db "PRESS ANY KEY TO EXIT$" ; message
color_back_ground dw 0 ; back ground color for clear_screen
number_of_rows dw 0 ; number of rows in graphic image being drawn
number_of_cols dw 0 ; number of columns in graphic image being drawn
count_rows dw 0 ; counter in draw_screen
start_pos dw 0 ; starting position moved to DI, sum row, col math
; -----------------------------------------------
mov ax,@data
mov ds,ax ; initialize data segment
; test for VGA card
is_vga ; macro for testing for VGA card
; set to VGA graphics mode 320 x 200 -- 256 colors
mov ah,0 ; set video mode function
mov al,GMODE ; mode to be set
int 10h ; call DOS to set video mode
; clear the screen first
mov color_back_ground,BACK_GROUND ; color for clear_screen to use
call clear_screen ; clear screen to back ground color
; draw the graphic image on the screen
call d_stamp_pad ; function to display the graphic image
; message to continue
print message ; macro for displaying text
; reset video
mov ah,0 ; set video mode function
mov al,DEFAULT_VIDEO ; default text mode
int 10h ; call DOS to reset video mode
; *****************************************
; *****************************************
; -----------------------------------------
; "draw_screen" draws the graphic image that is stored in data segment.
; It assumes DS points to the data segment that contains
; the graphic image. BX will contain the address of graphic image.
; This procedure will set ES to the video segment for the destination.
draw_screen proc
mov di,start_pos ; offset in video segment
mov ax,VIDEO_SEG ; ES gets video segment
mov es,ax
mov count_rows,0 ; row counter initialize
mov cx,number_of_cols ; counter for loop-number of columns to be printed
mov al,ds:[bx] ; the byte pointed to by BX is moved to AL
mov es:[di],al ; AL to video segment
inc di ; move screen pointer 1 byte to right
inc bx ; data pointer moved 1 byte
loop next_char ; loop until CX is zero
inc count_rows ; advances to next row
mov cx,count_rows
cmp cx,number_of_rows ; see if done enough rows
je exit_set_up ; if equal done
mov dx,320 ; width of screen
sub dx,number_of_cols ; minus width of the graphic image
add di,dx ; added to DI is the next row
jmp next_row ; print another row
exit_set_up: ; when complete exit here
draw_screen endp
; -------------------------------------------------------------------
; "d_stamp_pad" passes the graphic image information to draw_screen to
; actually draw the graphic image. First the offset in the video segment
; is calculated using the X and Y coordinates and passed to draw_screen
; with a variable (start_pos). Then the length and height are passed
; to draw_screen through variables also. The address of the actual
; data is passed via the BX register.
d_stamp_pad proc
mov cx,stamp_pad_x ; column value for the graphic image
mov dx,stamp_pad_y ; row value for the graphic image
call calc_start ; calculate starting position
lea bx,stamp_pad ; address of the graphic image is loaded in BX
mov ax,stamp_pad_y_l ; length of the graphic image
mov number_of_rows,ax ; goes into variable
mov ax,stamp_pad_x_l ; same for height value
mov number_of_cols,ax
call draw_screen ; draw it on the screen
d_stamp_pad endp
; -----------------------------------------
; "clear_screen " clears the screen by writing a word (double byte) to
; the video segment which is set in ES
clear_screen proc USES ax cx di es
mov ax,VIDEO_SEG ; put video segment in ES via AX
mov es,ax ; destination segment
mov cx,32000 ; number of words in video segment
mov ax,color_back_ground ; color to fill background
mov di,0 ; offset in video segment advanced by STOSW
rep stosw ; write the value in AX the number of times in CX
clear_screen endp
; -------------------------------------------------------------------
; "calc_start" calculates the upper left hand corner
; of the graphic image using row and column values of the graphic image.
; The row and column should be stored: CX=column position, DX=row position.
; The offset is returned in the "start_pos" variable.
calc_start proc USES AX BX CX DX
mov ax,dx ; row (dx) times 320 gives pixel position of row
mov bx,320 ; load bx with pixels per row value
mul bx ; multiply (bx * ax) result in ax
add ax,cx ; add column to result to finish pixel positioning
mov start_pos,ax ; put pixel position in start_pos
; for use with draw_screen
calc_start endp
; -----------------------------------------
; "wait_key" uses DOS int 21h to wait for a key press.
wait_key proc
mov ah,7 ; function number
int 21h ; call DOS
wait_key endp
; -----------------------------------------
; *****************************************